I wish I could say I love being pregnant but I've been so sick I don't even know what to do with myself. It's kind of funny because my mom and my grandma didn't get sick so I was so sure I wasn't going to get sick then about a week and a half ago the fun started. I'm not puking, which sometimes I think might make me feel better but I'm glad I'm not all the same. My husband is so rad. On those days I burst into tears because I can hardly move I'm so sick and I still have drag myself to work and be friendly somehow he just holds me and tells me if a crack head can do this you definitely can. Good ol' Pete. He does make me laugh. He's not quite sure what to do with all the emotions poor guy!!! At work I start looking at all the children walking around and gurgling babies and I get so excited because we're going to have one of those precious little things. How cool is that?! I'll just be glad when the pukie feelings go away for good. I'm having a good start to my day today so far which is awesome. Maybe I'll clean. My house hasn't been touched in about two weeks. We'll see. I'm pretty excited because on Tuesday we get to go in for the first ultrasound. Baby's first picture. Neat!!!!! Then I'll get a face to the little creation turning my tummy upside down. Everybody keeps telling me to eat crackers but even the thought of crackers makes me want to lose it. I've never been so anti certain foods in my life and saltine crackers especially. Little Penelope June or Repeat or whoever this little one I'm growing is not having crackers aparently!!!! I wonder if that will be something this kid can't stand when it joins us in December. Anyway. I will definitely be excited to move past this part of the pregnancy but I wouldn't miss this experience for anything!