So Pete's been laid off. It kind of sucks. I want to go punch Howard Shultz in the nose but it's not really his fault. This economy sucks. Pete's old boss said she would rehire him as a barista but now her district manager says maybe not. She's not my favorite person on the planet either right now. I'm kind of scared of what's going to happen but I'm also kind of calm about the whole thing. I know God is in control. If he provides for the little birds and squirrels and every other animal why would he not provide for his children whom he created with much love and care. We will be okay. I have panicky moments when I worry about it but then I know we will be taken care of. I'm praying Pete gets this job with the Border Patrol. I know some people are against this but I think it's the best thing right now. It will give him an in to the career he wants and also provide a better more stable income for us. I am so proud he's doing what he is. Pete is such an amazing man. When he gets knocked down he gets right back up and keeps fighting. If he did get this job he will have to go away for six months. That will definitely be a scarifice. I'll be moving back in with my parents while he's away if that's the case. The academy is in New Mexico. Only a couple hours away from my dad. I guess that would give me an excuse to go out there and visit a few times while he's gone. It's not for sure yet so we'll see. There's a lot up in the air right now but when is that not happening? I'm excited to see what God has planned for us.
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