Monday, April 20, 2009
Wow!!!! So on Friday Pete and I found out we're going to have a baby! Crazy!! I'm still in shock. I'm so excited. Pete is too. He's so cute. The day after we found out he went and bought two books on pregnancy nutrition, a week to week view of what to expect, a pocketbook of do's and don'ts, two journals, one for my purse and one for my pocket when I don't have my purse to write down ideas or thoughts or whatever, and a photo album to document the progress. Did I mention my husband is awesome!!! We moved the cat box out of the room because I can't come into contact with that at all. Some of the girls at work got us a little cap and booties that look like a bear with ears (PRECIOUS) and one of the girls had a baby not too long ago so she gave me a bunch of maternity clothes. How rad is that. I guess we are off to a good start. I'm going to make an appointment today to see the doctor. Unfortunately our insurance didn't transfer over like it was supposed to after Pete got laid off but there is a ton of free agencies that will help us out at least during the beginning until we can get the insurance situation fixed. No matter if it's a boy or girl I have clothes lined up. Two of the girls at work offered me their baby clothes and one has a boy and the other has a girl. I'm so excited I don't even know what to do with myself. Well I have to go to work but I'll be back!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Many have been persecuted even tortured into death but still had faith. My trials may be small but all teh same trials. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me big and small. Even when the small seem to overtake me and become mountains rather than molehills. This is only temporary. I get to spend eternity with my heavenly father. This world I am not of. I have something far greater in store. I will not let this life get me down anymore. I will rejoice in my trials and take strength from my tribulations. I may not know what tomorrow brings but by faith I will stand strong in Christ and know he has a plan for my life. I am not alone.... I will feel every emotion good and bad but move through them rather than become engulfed in them. What Satan means for evil God will use for good. My heavenly father is bigger than any circumstance or depression I may feel. He is bigger and more powerful than those who mean harm against me of this world and beyond. He is my Daddy and I can just crawl up into his lap and sit in his warm embrace basking in his love and radiance. What a powerful wonderful God we serve!!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Where have you been?

Wow. I guess it's been a while since I last posted something. Hmm... Where to start? Well I am officially a Big Brother Big Sisters of San Diego volunteer. That's pretty exciting. My little sister's name is Breana and she is 14 years old. We've hung out once so far and she seems like a sweet kid. She's super talkative and probably like your average 14 year old girl as far as likes and dislikes. I was a little nervous the first time we hung out but it went great!!!
What else is going on. Ooooh yeah... Pete and I went to talk to a realtor the other day to see about possibly buying a condo. Kind of rad!!! I feel so grown up. I guess we are kind fo adults now. We've been talking about doing this for a while now but our first attempt kind of failed as the market crashed. We tried to go through a man from Pete's church but unfortunately he ended up losing most of the properties he was trying to sell. He even lost his own home. I can't imagine for him having to start from scratch. Poor guy!!! I think he's doing better now. Anyway we kind of lost our oomph after that. Then the other day the idea came up again so first we went to the bank. They require at least 15% down which is way way out of our league. Afterwards we stopped by a realtors office down the street from us and she definitely lifted our spirits. She works with a mortgage broker who has access to some other programs for first time buyers that only require 3.5% down. How cool is that!!!!! Anyway, so we've looking at different condos around us and they are going anywhere from $65,000 to $90,000. Holy cow I think we might be able to afford one!!! It's a super long process but at least we are getting things rolling. We're still in the beginning stages. Our monthly payment for a two bedroom condo would be around $400-$500 a month. With HOA fees, home owners insurance, property taxes, etc. the whole thing would be pretty close to what we are paying now. That is soooooo cool!!!!! And we wouldn't be paying off someone elses mortgage every month. It would be our own. Just be praying for us that it all works out. I feel really good about.
School is going great. I got an 87 on my first history test. Yeah!!! I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up walking to class that night. But I did it. I have another test on Wednesday that I am not quite as prepared for. I can't seem to get my brain into study mode this time. I'll sit down to study and wind up thinking about a billion other things. At least I have today and Wednesday off so I can really get down to business. The teacher is also offering extra credit after the test that will be 20 points. The tests are worth 100. It will definitely help. I'm going to do great. Positive thinking right?
Well I think that's all the big stuff right now. I miss you all!!!! I'll leave you with my favorite verse in the whole world. It helps me pretty regularly. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." For whatever reason I'm blanking out where it is in teh bible so I'll get back to you on that. Remember all things, not some things, not just the things we think we can. but all things!!!!
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