Food addiction. According to Wikipedia it "is characterized by an obsessive/compulsiv relationship to food. An individual suffering from compulsive overeating disorder engages in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating, or binge eating, during which they may feel frenzied or out of control, often consuming food past the point of being comfortably full. Binging in this way is generally followed by feelings of guilt and depression. Unlike individuals with bulimia, compulsive overeaters do not attempt to compensate for their binging with purging behaviors such as fasting, laxative use or vomiting. Compulsive overeaters will typically eat when they are not hungry. Their obsession is demonstrated in that they spend excessive amounts of time and thought devoted to food, and secretly plan or fantasize about eating alone. Compulsive overeating usually leads to weight gain and obesity, but not everyone who is obese is also a compulsive overeater. While compulsive overeaters tend to be overweight or obese, persons of normal or average weight can also be affected. In addition to binge eating, compulsive overeaters can also engage in grazing behavior, during which they return to pick at food throughout the day. These things result in a large overall number of calories consumed even if the quantities eaten at any one time may be small. When a compulsive eater overeats primarily through binging, he or she can be said to have binge eating disorder." It's not like any other addiction because we need food to survive. You can't just stop eating. Some people eat to live but others live to eat. I fall under the live to eat category. I eat when I am happy, excited, sad, angry, depressed, stressed...pretty much I can use any emotion or situation as an excuse to eat. It's something I've struggled with all of my life but I find as I have shed all of my other nasty addictions the food one bears its ugly head more and more. It's been over a year since I've had Clover and I still haven't shed all the baby weight. I have come to terms with my body and am mostly comfortable in my own skin but I want to be healthy. I don't need a supermodel body just a healthy one. I have been given this strong healthy body and I choose to abuse it instead of nurture and strengthen it. Somewhere this has to end. It has been three days since I started a cleanse to change the way I think about food and give my body a new start. It's going really well. I feel good about all of it. I have modified it a bit to fit my needs. The original Master Cleanse includes no food whatsoever and lasts 10 days. I feel like although this is definitely cleansing it is also hard on my body. It cuts my entire caloric intake to 675 calories a day. My goal here is not to lose weight (although that is a plus but only temporary, once I start eating again it will all come back) but to retrain my body and mind how I think about food. Only last night did I decide to modify it. During the day, which is the most stressful time for me, I have chosen to drink the lemonade from the Master Cleanse instead of eating breakfast and lunch and then have a healthy dinner. Hopefully by not giving myself the option to gorge myself when I am stressed or having a hard day I will be able to break the hold that food possesses over me. I don't feel deprived by any means. Being able to eat a meal at the end of the day really changes my whole mindset. I am not completely cutting myself off and instead of saying NO FOOD I am saying not right now. I tend to do the opposite of what I am told to do. There is something in me that just has to rebel to prove you wrong and that I can do that. "Watch me." Famous last words of mine. At times this has served me well but it can also be a downfall. I am super excited and very optimistic. Right now I am shooting for ten days. Depending on how I am feeling I might go longer but for sure 10 days. I get to do a lot of "soul-searching" with this. I am definitely on a journey and who knows where it will lead but it will take me somewhere and I choose to make that an amazing place.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Here We Go!!!
Food addiction. According to Wikipedia it "is characterized by an obsessive/compulsiv relationship to food. An individual suffering from compulsive overeating disorder engages in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating, or binge eating, during which they may feel frenzied or out of control, often consuming food past the point of being comfortably full. Binging in this way is generally followed by feelings of guilt and depression. Unlike individuals with bulimia, compulsive overeaters do not attempt to compensate for their binging with purging behaviors such as fasting, laxative use or vomiting. Compulsive overeaters will typically eat when they are not hungry. Their obsession is demonstrated in that they spend excessive amounts of time and thought devoted to food, and secretly plan or fantasize about eating alone. Compulsive overeating usually leads to weight gain and obesity, but not everyone who is obese is also a compulsive overeater. While compulsive overeaters tend to be overweight or obese, persons of normal or average weight can also be affected. In addition to binge eating, compulsive overeaters can also engage in grazing behavior, during which they return to pick at food throughout the day. These things result in a large overall number of calories consumed even if the quantities eaten at any one time may be small. When a compulsive eater overeats primarily through binging, he or she can be said to have binge eating disorder." It's not like any other addiction because we need food to survive. You can't just stop eating. Some people eat to live but others live to eat. I fall under the live to eat category. I eat when I am happy, excited, sad, angry, depressed, stressed...pretty much I can use any emotion or situation as an excuse to eat. It's something I've struggled with all of my life but I find as I have shed all of my other nasty addictions the food one bears its ugly head more and more. It's been over a year since I've had Clover and I still haven't shed all the baby weight. I have come to terms with my body and am mostly comfortable in my own skin but I want to be healthy. I don't need a supermodel body just a healthy one. I have been given this strong healthy body and I choose to abuse it instead of nurture and strengthen it. Somewhere this has to end. It has been three days since I started a cleanse to change the way I think about food and give my body a new start. It's going really well. I feel good about all of it. I have modified it a bit to fit my needs. The original Master Cleanse includes no food whatsoever and lasts 10 days. I feel like although this is definitely cleansing it is also hard on my body. It cuts my entire caloric intake to 675 calories a day. My goal here is not to lose weight (although that is a plus but only temporary, once I start eating again it will all come back) but to retrain my body and mind how I think about food. Only last night did I decide to modify it. During the day, which is the most stressful time for me, I have chosen to drink the lemonade from the Master Cleanse instead of eating breakfast and lunch and then have a healthy dinner. Hopefully by not giving myself the option to gorge myself when I am stressed or having a hard day I will be able to break the hold that food possesses over me. I don't feel deprived by any means. Being able to eat a meal at the end of the day really changes my whole mindset. I am not completely cutting myself off and instead of saying NO FOOD I am saying not right now. I tend to do the opposite of what I am told to do. There is something in me that just has to rebel to prove you wrong and that I can do that. "Watch me." Famous last words of mine. At times this has served me well but it can also be a downfall. I am super excited and very optimistic. Right now I am shooting for ten days. Depending on how I am feeling I might go longer but for sure 10 days. I get to do a lot of "soul-searching" with this. I am definitely on a journey and who knows where it will lead but it will take me somewhere and I choose to make that an amazing place.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I have the most handsome husband in the world...
Things are going pretty good. Pete is falling into his new role as a store manager really well. I am so proud of my amazing husband. Today is the actual grand opening so it will be crazy busy. He didn't have to be to work until 10 today but left around 8 because he was so anxious. I don't blame him. He will do great. He has been working like crazy getting settled and everyone ready. I don't envy his 12 hour days. This will only last a couple of weeks thankfully and then I will have my husband back. He hasn't had much time for anything but work and sleep.
I turned both Penelope and Clover's car seats around yesterday. I can't believe how fast things are moving with my little girl. She is just that too, not a baby anymore but a sweet little girl. She can say mama, dada, grandpa, grandma, and sign milk, all done, more, and eat (all of which has popped up only in the last few days except for milk.) She waves goodbye, blows kisses occasionally, and even plants a big wet one on you when you are least expecting it. Clover doesn't crawl anymore but walks all over the place and runs when she feels the urge or is trying to get away. I am blown away by how much she continues to grow and develop. I couldn't be more proud of my kids. Their smiles light up my day.
Mason is cute as ever. He came back from his trip fully potty trained. YEA!!! He loves to wear his big boy underwear. The day before his big trip was the first time he went an entire day in big boy underwear with no accidents. From then on he just decided that diapers were a thing of the past. I am so proud of him and his major accomplishment. At times I thought it may never happen but here we are. He has grown an inch and a half in the past three months. No wonder he has been eating like a horse and his pants are all getting too short. I love the little conversations we have. Sometimes he will ask me three or four times in a row what I am doing just to keep the conversation growing.
I am doing the same old same old. Watching the four kids can at times definitely try my patience. I love being able to stay home though. I think I am going to look into finding something to do for me however. I would really like to get a gym membership. I think that would improve my overall attitude and be a good stress relief. This month it probably won't happen but I think next month it will be a good possibility. I found a counselor for Mason which I am pretty excited about. He has adjusted amazingly but I feel like it will be a good outlet for him. I love these super cold but sunny days. They are so refreshing. I get to go to San Diego Feb 3-7. I am so excited. Clover and Mason are coming with but unfortunately Pete has to work. Sad. Oh well. Next time I guess. I always miss Pete's guts when he isn't around. I kind of like that guy a lot I guess : ) Life is pretty good.
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