Pete got promoted!!! YEAH!!! I am so stinkin' proud of that man there aren't enough words to express it. He works so hard to provide for our family and I am eternally thankful for him and all he does. Pete deserves this promotion more than anyone I know. It is definitely a new chapter in our lives and I am so excited to have the opportunity to share it with him.
Let's talk about the newest addition to our family. I so love and appreciate having him as a part of my life. He teaches me new things and old things again everyday. I love waking up and seeing his sweet face peeking around the corner bursting with excitement for what the day holds. Lately it has been a bit of a struggle. He has made the choice on a daily basis for the past week and a half to not take a nap. I would have no problem with that except for the fact that he then turns into a child I no longer recognize. He throws fits by the bucketful, talks back, screams at me, pushes every one of Kelton's buttons he can find, and just really struggles to find his happy place. I know this is all a part of his age and self discovery in this very difficult time but geez louise!!! It is not all directly related to the napless days but those definitely contribute. I know when I am tired how much more ornery I get so I can only imagine what it does to three year old. Right now I am taking everyday just one at a time. I feel totally helpless, not at all prepared or capable, and just all around a little bit down. I think every time something happens it make me feel like a failure as a mom. Everyday I look at Mason and tell him how much I love him even when we have these hard days. After every time out I make sure he knows that I love him no matter what. This too will pass. All I can do is my best and continue providing love and support to this sweet little boy. I am so thankful for the support I get from Pete. He blesses me everyday with his strength and amazing attitude towards life! God has brought all of us together; Laurie, Mason, Pete, Clover, and I; for a reason. I am thankful for such a wonderful family!!! Mason is going with Laurie and Brenda on a trip for two weeks in a couple of days. I sure am going to miss his little guts. This is one of my favorite songs and definitely speaks my heart during trying times. It is called Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns.
On a happier note, we had our little Christmas with Mason last night since he will be traveling. It was a lot of fun. First we went to the movie Despicable Me. Hilarious!!! I love it!!! Then we came home ate burritos and opened presents. Mason got a ton of new things because not only did he get the presents form my parents, grandparents, and Pete and I, he also got a bunch of new stuff from the neighbor across the street. The neighbor has a few grandsons and they have grown out of some their toys so he gave them to us. He gave us a little people farm with all the animals, people, tractors, etc. Also a Mickey Mouse race track with cars included and the entire small soft set of Chuck the Dump Truck and friends. Amazing!!! Mason couldn't decide which one to play with. He just kept going from one thing to the next. How fun!!! It was sweet to watch him. Today is going to be an amazing day, the beginning of an amazing week!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!
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