I am super excited that my mom and grandparents are going to be here tomorrow! That's right people, they will be here, in beautiful Salt Lake City. Amazing. On a spur of the moment decision, a couple of weeks ago, they decided to drive the 12 hours just to see yours truly and a few other people. I can't wait!!! Did I mention I was super excited?! Anyway, I am also excited for them to see Clover in all her crawling, hand holding walking, toothy glory. She is super animated now and it's definitely time for a visit. Also they get to meet the super sweet new addition to our family, Mason. Crazy! For the time being and forever in my heart, I have a son. He is the most precious little boy one could ask for. I am loving every minute of it. How amazing it is that I get to be a part of all this. I know that one of the reasons we were brought up to Salt Lake was to be able to love and cherish this little boy. I am so grateful that Mason's mom chose Pete and I, out of so many wonderful people, to be able to take in the love of her life. What a journey we are on. I have such an amazing husband. Out of the blue one day as Pete was getting ready for work I decided to bring up what I had been feeling for a little while. To my relief and amazement Pete said, "I feel the same way and I thought that was the plan all along". Really?! Amazing!!! Now here we are. Tuesday we filed for guardianship and our court date is November 3. This is such a blessing. I know that it will be a challenge in many ways but I am ready to face those challenges head on. Bring it! From the moment I met Mason I felt a connection with his little spirit. I know in my heart he is in the right place and I am thankful that those in his life feel the same way. How amazing is it that God can orchestrate things and put people in just the right place at just the right time. Wow! This is such an amazing life!
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