Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's been over a year since I wrote a blog. Kind of crazy how fast time has gone. Since my last post I have given birth to my beautiful Clover Bear, quit my job, moved to Salt Lake, and started watching Miss Penelope Francis Rogers, among other things. It's been a roller coaster of a ride that's for sure. Some days I don't think I can keep up then others I have the most perfect life ever. My amazing husband got a job up here working in a restaurant 56 plus hours a week to provide for us while I stay home with the girls. I never thought I'd be able to be a stay at home mom and here I am living the dream. This is the hardest job I have ever had but I wouldn't change places with anyone. How amazing that I have the privilege to hang out with Clover all day every day. Not all moms get to do this. Sometimes I miss the freedom of the past but then I realize how amazing all this is. Pete and I created a little person who relies on us for everything. We get to help mold her into the woman she is to become. Wow! The thing I miss most is hanging out just Pete and I. The time we do get to spend together is just that much more precious. I've been sewing up a storm as of late. I found something I am passionate about and I love doing. I love to create and this is a forum that I can and feel like I succeed in doing so. Tomorrow I leave for San Diego o visit. I am so excited. I get pretty homesick here and sometimes feel like I am all alone even though I am surrounded by family. Well a baby calls so that is all for now.