Today was a good day. No particular reason it just was. I love those days. I got to lay in bed this morning and cuddle with my hubby. He made me breakfast and then I was off to work. Work flew by. I've been trying to organize everything because an inventory count is coming up and we have to count everything. Luckily for me I don't have to actually do it just help prepare for it. I also found out today at work that I got an award and will receive $100 Coach bucks which is basically money for me to spend at the store. I was kind of shocked I got it. I was number one in our district for conversion which is the percentage of people we convert in an hour to a sale. Each manager is in charge of the floor for an hour at a time and when we averaged everyone out for the month I won. Neat huh?! It was a good feeling because I was thinking today how not good I am at this whole Coach thing.
I'm really liking school so far. I've only had a couple of classes but it's so exciting. I can't believe I 'm actually in school. Crazy. I can't wait to be doing what I really want to do instead of what I have to do because I don't have an education. That's about all for now.
Nice work!