I have a history test on Wednesday and I'm a little bit nervous. There's a lot of information to remember and I procrastinated more than I should have. Not that long ago I had a month until the test and now it's a few days away. I guess I learned my lesson. I used to procrastinate in school when I was younger too but it didn't help the stress level any. So from now on I plan to study every week the information he gives us so I don't have to cram it in my brain in only a few days. Other than that things are looking up. It's been a rough couple of weeks mentally and emotionally for Pete and I because of him losing his job. I know we will be taken care of. My mom says I have the "peace that passes all understanding" which I agree with but I still have some trying moments and definitely so does Pete. I was reading in Genesis about Joseph and how he was sold into slavery by his brothers, ended up in prison for something he didn't do and finally ended up being Pharoah's main advisor and saves not only his family but all of Egypt from a famine. What an amazing story. I know we are not in those kind of dire circumstances but it was encouraging. Things don't always go the way you plan or want them to go. I think I may have a hard time with this because I like to be or think that I am in control of things but my life is way beyond me. It was planned out before I ever entered this world. You can't enjoy the good times without going through some struggles. If I would have had my way things might be different but I'm learning to look at each situation that happens and learn something from it. This experience has drawn Pete and I closer and has definitely strengthened my relationship with God. On a good note Pete was rehired at Starbucks yesterday as a barista. It gives him a lot more flexibility with school and less stress. If all goes well Pete will have his Associates Degree by next Christmas. How awesome would that be. Getting laid off really gave Pete the opportunity to finish a good chunk of his school. YEAH!!!!! I know I'm not the only one excited for this. We will see what happens. It's going to be a good year for us. I am thankful I have a job that can provide for my family. I'm thankful that Pete has a job that can provide for the family. I am thankful for my two beautiful kitties. I am thankful for my amazing husband. I am thankful for the love and support of our family on both sides. I am thankful we were able to secure a loan for a new car before everything happened with Starbucks. I am thankful that I get to wake up each morning and breathe, walk, talk, eat, and pretty much do everything I need to do without assistance. I am thankful to be alive today.
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